Friday, January 22, 2010

The first Deadline is over!

YAY! The first deadline is over!! SO Happy!!

But WAIT! The second deadline Is NEXT WEEK! Woo! Even coOler! It means the first assignment is going to be over soon. XD (Must see from the positive light :P)

So far, I have done a bit of html and php coding together with mySQL. This is the first time I use them. So naturally, I had some problem. Especially with syntax. And also because I am not very sure how powerful these programming languages are.

Compared to C++, they seem a lot easier. There are functions like array_unique() and so on which make life so much better.

But I also realize that I have just touched the tip of what these languages, especially php, can do. There are definitely easier way of doing things if I know the tricks. Sometimes, I feel 'stupid' because I was writing some long codes to do something where I could have just simply used the ready-made in-built function from the library! XD

But generally, so far so good! I am improving as a programmer and I am enjoying the process!

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